2013年度(平成25年度) 研究業績

著者名 論文標題 雑誌名 ページ 発行年
Kenzo Abe, Keisuke Hattori and Yoshitaka Kawagoshi Trade Liberalization and Environmental Regulation on International Transportation Japanese Economic Review 未定 forthcoming 2014
Okubo, Toshihiro, Kimura, Fukunari and Teshima, Nozomu Asian Fragmentation in the Global Financial Crisis
International Review of Economics and Finance 31 114‐127 2014
Ando, Mitsuyo and Kimura, Fukunari Production Linkage of Asia and Europe via Central and Eastern Europe Journal of Economic Integration 28 204-240 2013
Kiyota, Kozo Skills and Changing Comparative Advantage: The Case of Japan Japan and the World Economy 28 33-40 2013
Kiyota, Kozo Industrial Upgrading in a Multiple-cone Heckscher-Ohlin Model: The Flying Geese Patterns of Industrial Development Review of Development Economics 18 177-193 2013
Hiroshi Daisaka, Taiji Furusawa Dynamic Free Trade Networks: Some Numerical Results Review of International Economics 未定 forthcoming 2014
Taiji Furusawa, Kazumi Hori, Ian Wooton A Race beyond the Bottom: The Nature of Bidding for a Firm International Tax and Public Finance 未定 forthcoming 2014
Baldwin, Richard.E. and Okubo, Toshihiro Networked FDI: Sales and sourcing patterns of Japanese foreign affiliates The World Economy 未定 forthcoming 2014
Forslid, Rikard and Okubo, Toshihiro Which Firms are Left in the Periphery? Spatial Sorting of Heterogeneous Firms with Scale Economies in Transportation Journal of Regional Science 未定 forthcoming 2014
Cole, Matthiew., Elliott, Robert.J.R, Okubo, Toshihiro.
Eichi Tomiura
Environmental Outsourcing Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv) 未定 forthcoming 2014
Toshihiro Okubo and Eiichi Tomiura
Eichi Tomiura
Skew Productivity Distributions and Agglomeration: Evidence from plant-level data Regional Studies 未定 forthcoming 2014
Richard Baldwin and Toshihiro Okubo
Eichi Tomiura
International Trade, Offshoring and Heterogeneous Firms Review of International Economics 22 59-72 2014
Cole, Matthiew., Elliott, Robert.J.R, Okubo, Toshihiro and Zhou, Ying
Eichi Tomiura
The Carbon Dioxide Emissions of Firms: A Spatial Analysis Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 65(2) 290-309 2013
Toshihiro Okubo
Energy-saving Regulations and Commodity Prices Environmental Economics and policy Studies 15(1) 93-132 2013
Kondo, Keisuke and Okubo, Toshihiro Interregional Labour Migration and Real Wage Disparities: Evidence from Japan Papers in Regional Science 未定 forthcoming 2014
Forslid, Rikard and Okubo, Toshihiro
Eichi Tomiura
Spatial Sorting with Heterogeneous Firms and Heterogeneous Sectors Regional Science and Urban Economics 46 42-56 2014
発表者 発表標題 学会名
Jota Ishikawa Trade Liberalization and Aftermarket Services for Imports European Association for Research in Industrial Economics
Trade and Industrial Policy Subtleties with International Licensing Hiotsubashi Conference on International Trade &FDI 2013
Kenzo Abe Trade Liberalization and Environmental Regulation on International Transportation 日本経済学会2013年度春季大会(招待講演)
Fukunari Kimura Economic and Welfare Impacts of Disasters in East Asia and Policy Response The 6th ATRANS Symposium “Transportation for a Better Life: Infrastructure Development and Management Aspects”
From Regional to Global Production Networks: Linkage of North America with East Asia
Asian Economic Panel
From Regional to Global Production Networks: Linkage of North America with East Asia Keio Economic Research Institute, Korea Economic Research Institute, Conference on the Economic Policies of the New Leaderships in Japan and Korea
Kozo Kiyota Disemployment in Japan? Multinationals and Japanese Employment 産業組織研究会
日本は今なお熟練労働集約的な財を純輸出しているか? 産研セミナー
Disemployment in Japan? Multinationals and Japanese Employment SFU-NIESG Workshop on Globalization, International Trade, and Macroeconomic Dynamics
Disemployment in Japan? Multinationals and Japanese Employment 京都大学経済研究所共同利用・共同研究拠点主催ワークショップ
Disemployment in Japan? Multinationals and Japanese Employment パワーランチセミナー
Disemployment in Japan? Multinationals and Japanese Employment Empirical Investigations in Trade and Investment
Taiji Furusawa International Trade and Capital Movement under Financial Imperfection Asia Pacific Trade Seminars(APTS)2013
Globalization under Financial Imperfection Hitotsubashi-Sogang Conference on Trade
Relationship Specificity, Market Thickness, and International Trade Hiotsubashi Conference on International Trade &FDI 2013
Laixun Zhao Saving good jobs under global competition by rewarding quality and efforts IEFS-China
Saving good jobs under global competition by rewarding quality and efforts APTS2013
Noriyuki Yanagawa 法制度とマクロ経済 日本経済学会2013年度春季大会

著者名 書名 出版社 発行年
本多佑三、柳川範之、小林慶一郎、 安田洋祐、近藤絢子、芹澤成弘、伊藤秀史、大 垣昌夫、福田慎一、矢野 誠、北村行伸、井堀利宏、岡崎哲二、齊藤 誠、二神孝一 現代経済学の潮流2014 東洋経済新報社 2014