
2022年 4月 28日(木)
April 28, 2022/17:10-18:40
 報告者 Hamza Umer (Hitotsubashi University)
 テーマ “Gender differences in the temporal stability and decay of trust"
2022年 5月 12日(木)
May 12, 2022/17:10-18:40
 報告者 Shintaro Miura (Kanagawa University)
 テーマ “Robust prediction in games with uncertain parameters"
2022年 8月 4日(木)
August 4, 2022/17:10-18:40
 報告者 Di Feng (Lausanne)
 テーマ “Top trading cycles (TTC) based mechanisms for multiple-type housing markets"
2022年 10月 13日(木)
October 13, 2022/17:10-18:40
 報告者 Dan Quint (Wisconsin)
 テーマ “Bid Shopping in Procurement Auctions with Subcontracting"
2022年 10月 20日(木)
October 20, 2022/17:10-18:40
 報告者 Akira Okada (Hitotsubashi)
 テーマ “Dynamic Bargaining and Free Trade Agreements"
2022年 11月 10日(木)
November 10, 2022/17:10-18:40
 報告者 Kentaro Tomoeda (UTS)
 テーマ “Tie-breaking or Not: A Choice Function Approach"
November 13, 2022
HSI 2022 8th Hitotsubashi Summer Institute
≪Microeconomic Theory≫
  NOTE: Please note that this seminar ask for your registration.
≪Morning Session: Decision Theory≫
 Tommaso Denti (Cornell University) "Costly monitoring in signaling games"

 Alexander Jakobsen (Northwestern University) "Revealed Persuasion"

≪Afternoon Session: Games and Mechanism Design≫
 Jiangtao Li (Singapore Management University) “Order Statistics of Large Samples: Theory and an Application to Robust Auction Design”

 Debasis Mishra (Indian Statistical Institute) “Rank-Preserving Multidimensional Mechanisms” (joint with S. Bikhchandani)

 Philipp Strack (Yale University) Title: TBA
2022年 12月 8日(木)
December 8, 2022/17:10-18:40
 報告者 Masaki Miyashita (Yale)
 テーマ “Identification of Information Structures in Bayesian Games"
2023年 2月 16日(木)
February 16, 2023/17:10-18:40
 報告者 Kohei Iwasaki (Osaka)
 テーマ “Cryptocurrency Bubbles and Costly Mining"

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