「海外との提携関係を視野に入れた金融工学教育の新展開」による、CFEE学生海外研修派遣実施(2008年度 計6名)
・2008 FMA Annual Meeting | FMA : Financial Management Association |
October 8-11, 2008 |
Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention CenterGrapevine (Dallas), Texas |
・16th SFM Conference | 16th Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets |
December 5-6 , 2008 | |
National Sun Yat-sen University, Hsi-Tze Bay, Kaohsiung, Taiwan |
・the First AfriCOMP | African Conference on Computational Mechanics First International Conference |
January 7-11, 2009 | |
Sun City South Africa | |
報告書(PDF 1.5MB) | |
- 2009年度派遣 | >>学生情報に戻る |