2011年度(平成23年度) 研究業績
雑誌論文 | ||||||
著者名 | 論文標題 | 雑誌名 | 巻 | ページ | 発行年 | |
Jota Ishikawa, Yoichi Sugita, Laixun Zhao | Commercial Policy and Foreign Ownership | Review of International Economics | 19 | 300-312 | 2011 | |
Jota Ishikawa, Eiji Horiuchi | Strategic Foreign Direct Investment in Vertically Related Markets | Economic Record | 88 | 229-242 | 2012 | |
Jota Ishikawa, Kazuharu Kiyono, Masaru Yomogida | Is Emission Trading Beneficial? | Japanese Economic Review | 63 | 185-203 | 2012 | |
Jota Ishikawa, Toshihiro Okubo | Environmental Product Standards in North-South Trade | Review of Development Economics | 15 | 458-473 | 2011 | |
Kenzo Abe, Yasuyuki Sugiyama,Kazuharu Kiyono | International Transfer, Environmental Policy, and Welfare | The Japanese Economic Review | 63 | 204-215 | 2012 | |
Mitsuyo Ando, Fukunari Kimura | How Did the Japanese Exports Respond to Two Crises in the International Production Network?: The Global Financial Crisis and the East Japan Earthquake | Asian Economic Journal | 26 | 261-287 | 2012 | |
木村福成 | 21世紀型地域主義の萌芽 | 国民経済雑誌 | 205 | 1-15 | 2011 | |
Kozo Kiyota | Exports and jobs: The case of Japan, 1975-2006 | Contemporary Economic Policy | 30(4) | 566-583 | 2012 | |
Kozo Kiyota | Trade liberalization, economic growth, and income distribution in a multiple-cone neoclassical growth model | Oxford Economic Papers | 64(4) | 655-674 | 2012 | |
Taiji Furusawa, Hideo Konishi | Contributing or Free-Riding? Voluntary Participation in a Public Good Economy | Theoretical Economics | 6 | 219-256 | 2011 | |
Taiji Furusawa, Takashi Kamihigashi | Threats or Promises? A Built-in Mechanism of Gradual Reciprocal Trade Liberalization | Japanese Economic Review | 63 | 259-279 | 2012 | |
Laixun Zhao, A. Mukherjee | Profitable parallel trade in unionized markets | Journal of Economics | 107(3) | 267-276 | 2012 | |
学会発表 | ||||||
発表者 | 発表標題 | 学会名 | ||||
Jota Ishikawa | IPR Protection and Absorptive Capacity in North-South Trade | Asia Pacific Trade Seminars (APTS) 2011 | ||||
IPR Protection and Absorptive Capacity in North-South Trade | Preferential Trade Agreements Workshop | |||||
IPR Protection and Absorptive Capacity in North-South Trade | European Trade Study Group (ETSG) 2011 | |||||
Environmental Management Policy under International Carbon Leakage | 日本国際経済学会中部支部冬季大会 | |||||
Strategic Foreign Direct Investment in Vertically Related Markets | Hitotsubashi-UNSW Conference on International Trade & FDI 2012 | |||||
Environmental Management Policy under International Carbon Leakage | Politics, Economics and Global Governance: The European Dimensions, Research Workshop on International Trade | |||||
Environmental Management Policy under International Carbon Leakage | Australasian Trade Workshop 2012 | |||||
Fukunari Kimura | 為替変動と国際的生産ネットワーク | 日本金融学会(招待講演) | ||||
国際的生産ネットワークと東アジア経済統合 | 高崎経済大学経済学会(招待講演) | |||||
How Did the Japanese Exports Respond? The Global Financial Crisis and the East Japan Earthquake | Korea and the World Economy X | |||||
How Did the Japanese Exports Respond? The Global Financial Crisis and the East Japan Earthquake | The University of Nottingham GEP International Conference on Trade, Investment and Production Networks in Asia | |||||
How Did the Japanese Exports Respond to Two Crises in the International Production Networks? | JSPS EU-Japan | |||||
Taiji Furusawa | Dynamic Free Trade Networks: Some Numerical Results | Econometric Society | ||||
Dynamic Free Trade Networks: Some Numerical Results | Asia Pacific Trade Seminars (APTS) 2011 | |||||
International Trade and Capital Movement under Financial Imperfection | Hitotsubashi-UNSW Conference on International Trade & FDI 2012 | |||||
Laixun Zhao | Emerging by Acquisition in the Global Market | Asia Pacific Trade Seminars (APTS) 2011 | ||||
Emerging by Acquisition in the Global Market | 5th Japan-Taiwan Contract Theory Conference |