2011年度(平成23年度) 研究業績

著者名 論文標題 雑誌名 ページ 発行年
Jota Ishikawa, Yoichi Sugita, Laixun Zhao Commercial Policy and Foreign Ownership Review of International Economics 19 300-312 2011
Jota Ishikawa, Eiji Horiuchi Strategic Foreign Direct Investment in Vertically Related Markets Economic Record 88 229-242 2012
Jota Ishikawa, Kazuharu Kiyono, Masaru Yomogida Is Emission Trading Beneficial? Japanese Economic Review 63 185-203 2012
Jota Ishikawa, Toshihiro Okubo Environmental Product Standards in North-South Trade Review of Development Economics 15 458-473 2011
Kenzo Abe, Yasuyuki Sugiyama,Kazuharu Kiyono International Transfer, Environmental Policy, and Welfare The Japanese Economic Review 63 204-215 2012
Mitsuyo Ando, Fukunari Kimura How Did the Japanese Exports Respond to Two Crises in the International Production Network?: The Global Financial Crisis and the East Japan Earthquake Asian Economic Journal 26 261-287 2012
木村福成 21世紀型地域主義の萌芽 国民経済雑誌 205 1-15 2011
Kozo Kiyota Exports and jobs: The case of Japan, 1975-2006 Contemporary Economic Policy 30(4) 566-583 2012
Kozo Kiyota Trade liberalization, economic growth, and income distribution in a multiple-cone neoclassical growth model Oxford Economic Papers 64(4) 655-674 2012
Taiji Furusawa, Hideo Konishi Contributing or Free-Riding? Voluntary Participation in a Public Good Economy Theoretical Economics 6 219-256 2011
Taiji Furusawa, Takashi Kamihigashi Threats or Promises? A Built-in Mechanism of Gradual Reciprocal Trade Liberalization Japanese Economic Review 63 259-279 2012
Laixun Zhao, A. Mukherjee Profitable parallel trade in unionized markets Journal of Economics 107(3) 267-276 2012
発表者 発表標題 学会名
Jota Ishikawa IPR Protection and Absorptive Capacity in North-South Trade Asia Pacific Trade Seminars (APTS) 2011
IPR Protection and Absorptive Capacity in North-South Trade Preferential Trade Agreements Workshop
IPR Protection and Absorptive Capacity in North-South Trade European Trade Study Group (ETSG) 2011
Environmental Management Policy under International Carbon Leakage 日本国際経済学会中部支部冬季大会
Strategic Foreign Direct Investment in Vertically Related Markets Hitotsubashi-UNSW Conference on International Trade & FDI 2012
Environmental Management Policy under International Carbon Leakage Politics, Economics and Global Governance: The European Dimensions, Research Workshop on International Trade
Environmental Management Policy under International Carbon Leakage Australasian Trade Workshop 2012
Fukunari Kimura 為替変動と国際的生産ネットワーク 日本金融学会(招待講演)
国際的生産ネットワークと東アジア経済統合 高崎経済大学経済学会(招待講演)
How Did the Japanese Exports Respond? The Global Financial Crisis and the East Japan Earthquake Korea and the World Economy X
How Did the Japanese Exports Respond? The Global Financial Crisis and the East Japan Earthquake The University of Nottingham GEP International Conference on Trade, Investment and Production Networks in Asia
How Did the Japanese Exports Respond to Two Crises in the International Production Networks? JSPS EU-Japan
Taiji Furusawa Dynamic Free Trade Networks: Some Numerical Results Econometric Society
Dynamic Free Trade Networks: Some Numerical Results Asia Pacific Trade Seminars (APTS) 2011
International Trade and Capital Movement under Financial Imperfection Hitotsubashi-UNSW Conference on International Trade & FDI 2012
Laixun Zhao Emerging by Acquisition in the Global Market Asia Pacific Trade Seminars (APTS) 2011
Emerging by Acquisition in the Global Market 5th Japan-Taiwan Contract Theory Conference