2013年度(平成25年度) 研究業績
雑誌論文 | |||||
著者名 | 論文標題 | 雑誌名 | 巻 | ページ | 発行年 |
Kenzo Abe, Keisuke Hattori and Yoshitaka Kawagoshi | Trade Liberalization and Environmental Regulation on International Transportation | Japanese Economic Review | 未定 | forthcoming | 2014 |
Okubo, Toshihiro, Kimura, Fukunari and Teshima, Nozomu | Asian Fragmentation in the Global Financial Crisis |
International Review of Economics and Finance | 31 | 114‐127 | 2014 |
Ando, Mitsuyo and Kimura, Fukunari | Production Linkage of Asia and Europe via Central and Eastern Europe | Journal of Economic Integration | 28 | 204-240 | 2013 |
Kiyota, Kozo | Skills and Changing Comparative Advantage: The Case of Japan | Japan and the World Economy | 28 | 33-40 | 2013 |
Kiyota, Kozo | Industrial Upgrading in a Multiple-cone Heckscher-Ohlin Model: The Flying Geese Patterns of Industrial Development | Review of Development Economics | 18 | 177-193 | 2013 |
Hiroshi Daisaka, Taiji Furusawa | Dynamic Free Trade Networks: Some Numerical Results | Review of International Economics | 未定 | forthcoming | 2014 |
Taiji Furusawa, Kazumi Hori, Ian Wooton | A Race beyond the Bottom: The Nature of Bidding for a Firm | International Tax and Public Finance | 未定 | forthcoming | 2014 |
Baldwin, Richard.E. and Okubo, Toshihiro | Networked FDI: Sales and sourcing patterns of Japanese foreign affiliates | The World Economy | 未定 | forthcoming | 2014 |
Forslid, Rikard and Okubo, Toshihiro | Which Firms are Left in the Periphery? Spatial Sorting of Heterogeneous Firms with Scale Economies in Transportation | Journal of Regional Science | 未定 | forthcoming | 2014 |
Cole, Matthiew., Elliott, Robert.J.R, Okubo, Toshihiro. Eichi Tomiura |
Environmental Outsourcing | Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv) | 未定 | forthcoming | 2014 |
Toshihiro Okubo and Eiichi Tomiura Eichi Tomiura |
Skew Productivity Distributions and Agglomeration: Evidence from plant-level data | Regional Studies | 未定 | forthcoming | 2014 |
Richard Baldwin and Toshihiro Okubo Eichi Tomiura |
International Trade, Offshoring and Heterogeneous Firms | Review of International Economics | 22 | 59-72 | 2014 |
Cole, Matthiew., Elliott, Robert.J.R, Okubo, Toshihiro and Zhou, Ying Eichi Tomiura |
The Carbon Dioxide Emissions of Firms: A Spatial Analysis | Journal of Environmental Economics and Management | 65(2) | 290-309 | 2013 |
Toshihiro Okubo |
Energy-saving Regulations and Commodity Prices | Environmental Economics and policy Studies | 15(1) | 93-132 | 2013 |
Kondo, Keisuke and Okubo, Toshihiro | Interregional Labour Migration and Real Wage Disparities: Evidence from Japan | Papers in Regional Science | 未定 | forthcoming | 2014 |
Forslid, Rikard and Okubo, Toshihiro Eichi Tomiura |
Spatial Sorting with Heterogeneous Firms and Heterogeneous Sectors | Regional Science and Urban Economics | 46 | 42-56 | 2014 |
学会発表 | |||||
発表者 | 発表標題 | 学会名 | |||
Jota Ishikawa | Trade Liberalization and Aftermarket Services for Imports | European Association for Research in Industrial Economics | |||
Trade and Industrial Policy Subtleties with International Licensing | Hiotsubashi Conference on International Trade &FDI 2013 | ||||
Kenzo Abe | Trade Liberalization and Environmental Regulation on International Transportation | 日本経済学会2013年度春季大会(招待講演) | |||
Fukunari Kimura | Economic and Welfare Impacts of Disasters in East Asia and Policy Response | The 6th ATRANS Symposium “Transportation for a Better Life: Infrastructure Development and Management Aspects” | |||
From Regional to Global Production Networks: Linkage of North America with East Asia |
Asian Economic Panel |
From Regional to Global Production Networks: Linkage of North America with East Asia | Keio Economic Research Institute, Korea Economic Research Institute, Conference on the Economic Policies of the New Leaderships in Japan and Korea | ||||
Kozo Kiyota | Disemployment in Japan? Multinationals and Japanese Employment | 産業組織研究会 | |||
日本は今なお熟練労働集約的な財を純輸出しているか? | 産研セミナー | ||||
Disemployment in Japan? Multinationals and Japanese Employment | SFU-NIESG Workshop on Globalization, International Trade, and Macroeconomic Dynamics | ||||
Disemployment in Japan? Multinationals and Japanese Employment | 京都大学経済研究所共同利用・共同研究拠点主催ワークショップ | ||||
Disemployment in Japan? Multinationals and Japanese Employment | パワーランチセミナー | ||||
Disemployment in Japan? Multinationals and Japanese Employment | Empirical Investigations in Trade and Investment | ||||
Taiji Furusawa | International Trade and Capital Movement under Financial Imperfection | Asia Pacific Trade Seminars(APTS)2013 | |||
Globalization under Financial Imperfection | Hitotsubashi-Sogang Conference on Trade | ||||
Relationship Specificity, Market Thickness, and International Trade | Hiotsubashi Conference on International Trade &FDI 2013 | ||||
Laixun Zhao | Saving good jobs under global competition by rewarding quality and efforts | IEFS-China | |||
Saving good jobs under global competition by rewarding quality and efforts | APTS2013 | ||||
Noriyuki Yanagawa | 法制度とマクロ経済 | 日本経済学会2013年度春季大会 | |||
図書 |
著者名 | 書名 | 出版社 | 発行年 | ||
本多佑三、柳川範之、小林慶一郎、 安田洋祐、近藤絢子、芹澤成弘、伊藤秀史、大 垣昌夫、福田慎一、矢野 誠、北村行伸、井堀利宏、岡崎哲二、齊藤 誠、二神孝一 | 現代経済学の潮流2014 | 東洋経済新報社 | 2014 |