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2013 / 11 / 14 (Thu) 16:30 -- 18:00; 理学部A館 A428号室(Sci. Bldg. A428)

講演者/speaker: Yi-Chiuan Chen (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
タイトル/title: Topological Horseshoe in Travelling Waves of Discretized KdV-Burgers-KS Type Equations
アブストラクト/abstract: Applying the concept of anti-integrable limit to space-time discretized KdV-Burgers-KS type equations, we show that there exist topological horseshoes in the phase space formed by the initial states of travelling wave solutions of the resulted coupled map lattices. In particular, the coupled map lattices display spatio-temporal chaos on the horseshoes.

2012 / 12 / 19 (Wed) 15:00 -- 16:30; 理1号館 309号室 (Sci. 1 Bldg. 309)

講演者/speaker: Yi-Chiuan Chen (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
タイトル/title: A Note on Holomorphic Shadowing for H\'enon Maps
アブストラクト/abstract: In studying the complex H\'enon maps, Mummert defined an operator the fixed points of which give rise to bounded orbits. This enabled his to obtain an estimate of the solenoid locus. Instead of the contraction mapping theorem, in the talk, I shall present an implicit function theorem version of his result, with some generalisation.

2012 / 08 / 09 (Thu) 15:00 -- 17:00; 理学部A館 A440号室 (Sci. Bldg. A, A440)

講演者/speaker: Carlos Cabrera (UNAM, Mexico)
タイトル/title: Poincare extension of rational maps (2).

2012 / 07 / 26 (Thu) 15:00 -- 17:00; 理学部A館 A440号室 (Sci. Bldg. A, A440)

講演者/speaker: Carlos Cabrera (UNAM, Mexico)
タイトル/title: On Poincare extensions of rational maps.
アブストラクト/abstract: In this talk we show the existence of geometric Poincar\'e extensions for an open and dense set of rational maps. Another of our main results is the existence of an extension that applies for the semigroup of Blaschke maps, which is a homomorphism of semigroups.

2012 / 07 / 19 (Thu) 15:00 -- 17:00; 理学部A館 A440号室 (Sci. Bldg. A, A440)

講演者/speaker: Carlos Cabrera (UNAM, Mexico)
タイトル/title: On dynamical Teichmuller spaces
アブストラクト/abstract: Following ideas from a preprint of the Peter Makienko, we investigate relations of dynamical Teichmuller spaces with dynamical objects. We also establish some connections with the theory of deformations of inverse limits and laminations in holomorphic dynamics. This is a joint work with Peter Makienko.

2012 / 07 / 12 (Thu) 15:00 -- 17:00; 理学部A館 A440号室 (Sci. Bldg. A, A440)

講演者/speaker: Carlos Cabrera (UNAM, Mexico)
タイトル/title: On the topology of the inverse limit of a branched covering over a Riemann surface (4)

2012 / 07 / 9 (Mon) 15:00 -- 16:30; 理1号館 109号室 (Sci. 1 Bldg. 109)

講演者/speaker: Davoud Cheraghi (University of Warwick, UK)
タイトル/title: Trajectories of complex quadratic polynomials with an irrationally indifferent fixed point
アブストラクト/abstract: The local, semi-local, and global dynamics of the complex quadratic polynomials $P_\alpha(z):= e^{2\pi i \alpha}z+z^2: \mathbb{C}\to \mathbb{C}$, for irrational values of $\alpha$, have been extensively studied through various methods. The main source of difficulty is the interplay between the tangential movement created by the fixed point and the radial movement caused by the critical point. This naturally brings the arithmetic nature of $\alpha$ into play. Using a renormalization technique developed by H. Inou and M. Shishikura, we analyze this interaction, and in particular, describe the topological behavior of the orbit of typical points under these maps.

2012 / 07 / 5 (Thu) 15:00 -- 17:00; 理学部A館 A440号室 (Sci. Bldg. A, A440)

講演者/speaker: Carlos Cabrera (UNAM, Mexico)
タイトル/title: On the topology of the inverse limit of a branched covering over a Riemann surface (3)

2012 / 06 / 22 (Fri) 10:00 -- 12:00; 理学部A館 A440号室 (Sci. Bldg. A, A440)

講演者/speaker: Carlos Cabrera (UNAM, Mexico)
タイトル/title: On the topology of the inverse limit of a branched covering over a Riemann surface (2)

2012 / 06 / 14 (Thu) 15:00 -- 17:00; 理学部A館 A440号室 (Sci. Bldg. A, A440)

講演者/speaker: Carlos Cabrera (UNAM, Mexico)
タイトル/title: On the topology of the inverse limit of a branched covering over a Riemann surface (1)
アブストラクト/abstract: We introduce the Plaque Topology on the inverse limit of a branched covering map over a Riemann surface to study its dynamical properties. We also consider a Boolean Algebra to compute local topological invariants. With these tools we obtain a description of the points in the inverse limit.

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