
How to commute between the Airport and conference venue

Available airports are Narita International Airport and Tokyo International Airport (Haneda).

From Narita International Airport, you can take a train or a bus.

  1. Train: Take a Keisei-Line train or a Narita Express Line train. If you take a Keisei-Line, transfer to a JR Yamanote-Line (SOTOMAWARI) train at Nippori station and go to JR Tokyo station. From JR Tokyo station to the conference venue, please see Conference Venue page.
  2. Bus: Airport limousine bus is available from Narita International Airport to Tachikawa area. From JR Tachikawa station, take a JR Chuo-Line bound for Tokyo station. You may take any Rapid (Kaisoku) train (but do not take Special Rapid train) and go to Kunitachi station, which is one stop from Tachikawa station. From Kunitachi station to the conference venue, please see Conference Venue page.

From Tokyo International Airport (Haneda), you can take a train or a bus.

  1. Train: Take a Tokyo monorail train. You transfer to a JR Yamanote-Line (UCHIMAWARI) train or JR KeihinTohoku-Line train at Hamamatsucho station and go to JR Tokyo station. From JR Tokyo station to the conference venue, please see Conference Venue page.
  2. Bus: Airport bus is available from Tokyo International Airport (Haneda) to Tachikawa area. From JR Tachikawa station, take a JR Chuo-Line bound for Tokyo station. You may take any Rapid (Kaisoku) train (but do not take Special Rapid train) and go to Kunitachi station, which is one stop from Tachikawa station. From Kunitachi station to the conference venue, please see Conference Venue page.


Airport Access Information (Narita International Airport)


Airport Access Information (Tokyo International Airport (Haneda))


A Map of JR Lines in the Tokyo area