The 63rd Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Political Economy: Challenges to Main Stream Economics and the Future of Capitalism
November 21 (Saturday) and 22 (Sunday), 2015
Hitotsubashi University, 2-1 Naka, Kunitachi, Tokyo 186-8601 Japan

Conference Program in English
(as of November 15, 2015)
 *Conference Program in PDF version is available here.
Papers and abstracts to be presented at English sessions can be downloaded here.
*Papers and abstracts in Japanese can be downloaded here.

**Campus Map in PDF version is available here.
***Conference Venue Guide in PDF version is available here. 

November 21 (Saturday) from 9:30 to 12:10

Session 1: Special session on Economics Education: 
Main Building, 2nd floor, Room 21
Chair: Kiichiro YAGI (Setsunan Univ.)
Takanori YAMAMOTO (Formerly Daito Bunka Univ.)
“Book Review: K. Yagi et al. (eds) Future of Economics and Economics Education, Sakurai Shoten, 2015.”
Tadasu MATSUO (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
“Book Review: K. Yagi et al. (eds) Future of Economics and Economics Education, Sakurai Shoten, 2015.”
Samuel Bowles
(Santa Fe Institute)
“Teaching economics as if the last three decades had happened: A new introduction to economics”

Session 2: Theories of value and price: 
Main Building, 3rd floor, Room 36
Chair: Michiaki OBATA (Tokyo Univ.) [Discussant]
(Hokkaido Univ./Graduate Student)
“Reconsideration of the Value Theory” [Hiroki IZUMI]
Shinya SHIBASAKI (Tokyo
Univ., Ph.D. Candidate)
“Competition and Commercial Organization” [Masashi SHIMIZU]
Hideo DOI (Yokohama National Univ.)
“Transformation Problem and Economy in Employment of Constant Capital” [Hideaki SEKINO]

Session 3: Issues regarding economic systems:
 Lecture Building 2, 3rd floor, Room 307
 Chair: Mitsugu YONEDA (Chuo Univ.)
Taku IMAI (Meiji Univ./Lecturer, Nihon Univ./Lecturer)
“Transformation of the Capitalist Society: making Social Fund from Surplus Value under the Welfare State Regimes” [Takuya SATO]
Ensei IMAMURA (Non-affiliated)
“Developmental states of nations of capitalism”[TBA]
Hiroyuki TAKEI (Non-affiliated)
“Review on Yu Bin’s book ‘45 ten minutes to read Das Kapital: Yu Bin explanation’” [TBA]

Session 4: Contemporary world economy:
 Lecture Building 2, 4th floor, Room 405
 Chair: Masaki HANDA (Tohoku Gakuin Univ.)
Sayaka SANO (Toyo Univ.)
“Growth of Trade and Measurement of Labor Exchange Rate” [Hiroshi IZUMI]
Hiroshi TANAKA (Rissyo Univ./Lecturer)
“The Information Revolution in 21st Century and Reorganization of the Manufacturing Industry in World Market” [Hisatoshi GOMI]
Hideaki TSUDA (Hitotsubashi Univ./Graduate Student)
“Digital economy and taxation of national nations”
[Tsutomu SHIBATA]

Session 5: English Session (1)
Regulation theory, Post Keynesian theory and Uno theory:
 Main Building, 2nd floor, room 26
 Chair: Richard Westra (Nagoya University)
Hiroki Yokota (Asahikawa University)
Dynamic Capabilities and its Mechanisms of Firms: constructing an analytical framework of the diversity of Japanese firms
Hiroyasu Uemura (Yokohama National University)
and Yuji Harada (Fukuyama City University)
Regulation Approach to Japanese and Asian Capitalisms: Understanding Varieties of Capitalism and Structural Dynamics
Florence GALLOIS (University of Reims Champagne)
and Martino NIEDDU (University of Reims Champagne)
Régulation theory from a meso level perspective: lessons from the analysis of the French public policies for lifestyle and homecare services
Richard Westra (Nagoya University)
The End of Capitalism and the End of Economics’”

Session 6: English Session (2)
 “East Asian Economies :
  Main Building, 2nd floor, room 28
  Chair: Nobuharu Yokokawa (Musashi University)
Jeff Ryan (Kyoto University, Ph.D. candidate)
The Genesis of Mass Migration in the Philippines: an Institutional Examination
Ignacio José Miñambres García (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, Ph.D. Candidate)
Japanese Capital Multinationalization and Regional Leadership in Southeast Asia
Tony Tai-Ting Liu (National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, Doctoral Candidate)
Global Governance with Chinese Characteristics? One Belt and One Road and its Implications for Sino-Japanese Relations

November 21 (Saturday) from 13:10 to 15:50

Session 7: Special Session on Gender Equality in East Asia: Comparative Perspective on Twenty-years of Addressing the Gender Mainstreaming in the 1995 United Nations Womens Conference in Beijing :
 Lecture Building 1, 4th floor, Room 401
 Chair: Nobuko HARA (Hosei Univ.)
Nobuko HARA (Hosei Univ.)
Gender-equality in the Era of Neo-liberalism in Japan
  [Nobuyo GOTO]
Inja KIM (Hokkaido Univ./Graduate Student)
Feminization of Poverty in Korea [Chengnan YAN]
Hiromi ISHIZUKA (Sanno College /Sanno Univ., non-member)
Gender gap of work and life in China [Nobuko HARA]

Session 8: The Capitalism in the Twenty- First Century and Perspective of Alternative Society
 Main Building, 3rd, Room 31
 Chair: Yasuo GOTO (Fukushima Univ.)
Yasuo GOTO (Fukushima Univ.)
The Post-Cold War in the Historical Prospect: Antagonism between Global Capitalism and Net-Based Communism [Mitsuhiko TSURUTA]
Hisatoshi GOMI (Rissyo Univ./Emeritus)
The Transition of Chinese Mega-Capitalism and World Capitalism in 21st century [Hiroshi TANAKA]
Shigeo ABIKO (Chiba Univ./Emeritus)
Socio-Economic Impacts of Information- Communication Technological Innovations and the Social Citizenship [Fumitaka WAKAMORI]

Session 9: Mathematical Marxian Economics:
 Main Building, 3rd, Room 36
 Chair: Hiroshi ONISHI (Keio Univ.)
Hiroshi ONISHI (Keio Univ.) and Ryo KANAE (Tsu City College)
Pikettys r>g Caused by Labor Exploitation: A Proof by Marxian Optimal Growth Theory [Yuuho YAMASHITA]
Yuuho YAMASHITA (Dokkyo Univ.)
Pikettys Law of Capitalism and Optimal Growth Theory [Ryo KANAE]
Atsushi TAZOE (Kyoto Univ./Lecturer)
Changes in labour productivity in Japan [Takahiko HASHIMOTO]

Session 10: Cognitive Capitalism
  Lecture Building 2, 4th floor, Room 405
 Chair: Taizo YAMAMOTO (Shitennoji Univ./Lecturer)
Yu KUROSAWA (Osaka City Univ./Graduate Student)
Labour Convention in Creative Industry: A case study on Lille [Hiroki YOKOTA]
Taizo YAMAMOTO (Shitennoji Univ./Lecturer) and Kouta KITAGAWA (Kyoto Univ./Lecturer)
Value and Labour in A. Negri: A preliminary analysis [Kazuo MURAKOSHI]
Fumiaki SUDA (Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and. Fishery)
Foucault and Cognitive Capitalism [Taizo YAMAMOTO]

Session 11: Contemporary Economy and Marxian Economics:
    Main Building, 3rd, Room 38
 Chair: Kazuo SUZUKI (Hirosaki Univ.)
Masayuki EDAMATSU (Tsuru Univ./Lecturer)
The theory of primitive accumulation and the present state of capitalism [Nobuo ISAGAI]
Masami ASAKAWA (Sapporo Gakuin Univ.)
Present Capitalism and its primitive accumulation [Yushi IMAI]

Session 12: Post Keynesian Economics
 Lecture Building 2, 3rd floor, Room 307
 Chair: Yoshikazu SATO (Hosei Univ.)
Taro ABE (Nagoya Gakuin Univ.)
Redistribution Policy and Effective Demand under Globalization [Takashi OHNO]
Shinya FUJITA (Nagoya Univ.)
Demand and Growth Regimes in a Two-sector Kaleckian Economy [Hiroshi NISHI]

Session 13: History of Economic Thoughts:
 Lecture Building 2, 3rd floor, Room 308
 Chair: Hiromi OKABE (Hokkaido Univ.)
Takao TAKEUCHI (Non-affiliated)
Function of credit as viewed from the labor note system
 [Hiromi OKABE]
Haruka MUROI (Tokyo Univ./Graduate Student)
The Current Issues of a School of Karl Polanyi: beyond the conflict between reciprocity and markets [Shoko CHUMA]
Shoko CHUMA (Kokugakuin Univ.)
Labour time as a bridge between non-market and market labour”  [Haruka MUROI]

Session 14: English Session (3)
(Joint hosting by Tohoku Forum for Creativity)
Critique of Main Stream Economics 1
  Main Building, 2nd floor, Room26)
 Chair: Makoto Nishibe (Hokkaido University)
Amitava Dutt (University of Notre Dame)
 “Education and human capital in a classical-Marrxian model of growth and distribution (coauthored with Roberto Veneziani)
Roderick O'Donnell (University of Technology Sydney)
Satoshi Matsui (Senshu University)
  “Marx and Justice
Tsuyoshi Yuki (Saitama University)
  “Reconsideration of Gesells Critique of Marxs Capital Theory
Makoto Nishibe (Hokkaido University)
  “Globalization: Evolution of the Capitalist Market Economy through Internalization of the Market’”

Session 15: English Session (4)
Development and Environment”  Main Building, 2nd floor, Room28
 Chair: Hiroyasu Uemura (Yokohama National University)
Thanongsai SOUKKHAMTHAT (National Economic Research Institute, Lao PDR)
 “Economies of Scale in Smallholder Rubber Farming in Luangnamtha Province, Lao PDR
Bhola Khan (Yobe State University, Nigeria)
  “Food and Nutritional Security in India: An analysis of Regional Variation
Marcus Barla (Ranchi University, India)
  “Analysis of Deforestation and Environmental Degradation in Tribal Regions of India
Romain Debref (the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France)
 “The process of environmental innovation, a solution against the change? The case of the sector of resilient flooring

 November 21 (Saturday) from 16:00 to 17:10
  Main Building, 2nd floor, Room21
The JSPE-Routledge Book Prize
 Invited Plenary Lecture
 Chair: Nobuharu YOKOKAWA (Musashi Univ.)
     and Kiichiro YAGI (Setsunan Univ.)
(The 2014 JSPE-Routledge Book Prize winner, Arthur Spiegel Research Professor and Director of the Behavioral Sciences Program at the Santa Fe Institute)
  “Knowledge, property and the future of economics

 November 21 (Saturday) from 17:10 to 18:20
  Main Building, 2nd floor, Room21
 General Meeting
 The JSPE Prize for Younger Members

 November 21 (Saturday) from 18:40 to 20:40
  Conference Dinner
  at East Plaza (2nd floor) in the East Campus

           *    *    *    *    *

     November 22 (Sunday) from 9:30 to 12:10

Session 16 (Related to Plenary Session):
 Challenges to Main Stream Economics and the Future of Capitalism
 Main Building, 2nd floor, Room 21
 Chair: Toshio FUKUSHUMA (Sensyu Univ.)
Hiroshi SETOOKA (Komazawa Univ.)
  “Imperialism in the 21st Century [Hiroshi ONISHI]
Akira TAKAGI (Ritsumeikan Univ./Emeritus)
 “From the theory of labour value to the theory of experience value: the hermeneutics turn of the value theory
 [Mitsuhiko TSURUTA]
Nobumitsu YAO (Kagoshima International Univ./Emeritus)
 “Perspective of Capitalism in the 21st Century and the Goal
 [Mitsuhiko TSURUTA]

Session 17 (Related to the Earthquake Disaster):
 Challenges in Political Economy Driven by the March 11, 2011 Disaster
  Main Building, 3rd floor, Room 31
 Chair: Nobuyo GOTO (Fukushima Medical Univ./Lecturer and Ohu  Univ./Lecturer)
Shiro TANAKA (Miyagigakuin Women
s Univ.)
 “The recent situation of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, and  its hope or despair [Kimitoshi SATO]
Nobuyo GOTO (Fukushima Medical Univ./Lecturer and Ohu
 “Political Economy about Radiation Health and Genomics after
 Fukushima Nuclear Disaster and the Earthquake
 [Atsushi FUJIOKA]
Hideaki OUCHI (Tohoku Univ./Emeritus) and Masaki Handa
  (Tohoku Gakuin Univ.)
  “Overcoming the Earthquake ReconstructionTo Regional
  Emergence”  [Seiichi NAGASHIMA]

Session 18: Contemporary Significances of J. R. Commons
  Lecture Building 2, 3rd floor, Room 307
   Chair: Takayuki NAKAHARA (Hannan Univ.)
Hiroyuki UNI (Kyoto Univ.)
 “J.R. Commons Concept of Reasonable Value as a Result of
 Regulation [Yoshinori SHIOZAWA]
Takayuki NAKAHARA (Hannan Univ.)
  “An Observation to Institution as Medium of Structure and 
  Quantitate System on Social Economy: Exploring Theoretical 
  Possibility of J. R. Commons Institutional Economics” 
   [Yoshinori SHIOZAWA]
Takao TSUKAMOTO (Nihon Univ.)
  “W. C. Mitchells Some Comments on J.R. Commons Economic   Theory: On his Economics of Collective Action
  [Shingo TAKAHASHI]

Session 19: The Change of Japanese Economy
 Lecture Building 2, 3rd floor, Room 308
 Chair: Mitsugu YONEDA (Chuo Univ.)
Takao IRIYA (Miyazaki Univ.)
 “Deployment of Regional Policy of Prefectures and Country from  the Endogenous Development of Small Municipalities
  [Mitsugu YONEDA]
Kenichi MURAKAMI (Chuo Univ.)
 “The Problem to Stagnation and Change of Japanese Industries”  [Minoru FUJUTA]
Akira EGAWA (Chuo Univ.)
 “The Roles of Japanese Family Farm and Agricultural Cooperatives in Local Economy: consideration of the Reform of Agriculture and  Agricultural Cooperatives [TBA]

Session 20: Accumulation and Reproduction
 Main Building, 3rd floor, Room 38
 Chair: Sumio KAMESAKI (Hiroshima Shudo Univ.)
Shiho KAWASAKI (Obirin Univ./Lecturer)
 “The absorption and discharge of relative surplus-population by capital, and its influence on working class [Jou ISHII]
Jou ISHII (Kanto Gakuin Univ.)
 “Ricardo Effect and Business Cycle Theory: Hayek and Marx
 [Tsutomu TAKAHASHI)]
Atsushi OHTAKE (The Institute for Fundamental Political Economy)
 “The theoretical relation between the Reproduction to the Banksystem: from the viewpoint of the formation of Capital’” [Kazuo KONISHI]

Session 21: Contemporary Economic Theories
  Lecture Building 2, 4th floor, Room 405
 Chair: Masashi MORIOKA (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
Hiroki MURAKAMI (Tokyo Univ./Graduate Student)
  “Alternative stabilization policies and economic stability in the
 medium-term Keynesian macroeconomic system
  [Kazuhiro KUROSE]
Masashi MORIOKA (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
 “Ununiform Time Preference Rates and Dynamics of Consumption  and Assets Formation” [Tadasu MATSUO]
Takahiko HASHIMOTO (Ritsumeikan Univ.) and Tadasu MATSUO (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
 “Total labor allocation and exploitation [Hiroshi IZUMI]

Session 22: Contemporary Economic Policies
  Lecture Building 2, 4th floor, Room 406
 Chair: Hitoshi Suzuki (Yamagata Univ.)
Akira MATSUMOTO (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
 “Assessing Abenomics from view of the effect to redistribution of  income through the foreign exchange rate [Hiroyuki IIJIMA]
Kim JoonYOUNG (Korea Employment Insurance Service)
 “The Charateristics of Long Work Hour and Their Effects on 
 Working Life in Korea [Kunihiko SHIRAI]
Masao ISHIKURA (Hitotsubashi Univ.)
 “The Eurozone economic crisis and austerity policies
 [Atsushi Naito]

Session 23: Money, Finance and the Contemporary Economies
   Lecture Building 1, 4th floor, Room 403
  Chair: Masayoshi TATEBE (Chuo Univ.)
So-heon LEE (Tokyo Univ./Graduate Student)
  “On the Institutional Foundations of Financialization: A Case
 Study of the Derivatives Market in Korea [Yosuke KOBAYASHI]
Norihito SHIMANO (Kyoto Univ./Graduate Student)
 “An Empirical Analysis of the effect of financialization on capital accumulation in Japan: From the viewpoit of increasing financial revenue in Japanese firms [Taro ABE]
Kenshiro NINOMIYA (Shiga Univ.) and Masaaki TOKUDA (Shiga Univ.)
  “Structural Change and Financial Instability in the US Economy”  [Shinya FUJITA]

Session 24: The Mode of Regulation in Contemporary Economies
   Lecture Building 1, 4th floor, Room 401
  Chair: Youshin SUGAWARA (Niigata Univ.)
Hiroshi NISHI (Hannan Univ.)
 “Structural change and economic growth in Japan
 [Chengnan YAN]
Takashi SEO (Kanazawa Univ.)
 “A Process of Knowledge Accumulation in Modern Capitalism:    based on the framework of Restless Capitalism’”
 [Makoto NISHIBE]
Chengnan YAN (Niigata University)
 “The Mode of Regulation on Chinese State Capitalism
  [Toshio YAMADA]

Session 25: Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century and
      Marxian Economics
  Main Building, 3rd floor, Room 36
  Chair: Takahisa UEMURA (Yamaguchi Univ.)
Ryoji ISHIZUKA (Sensyu Univ./Lecturer)
 “Critical review on Thomas Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First  Century’” [Makoto ITOH]
Makoto ITOH (Tokyo Univ./ Emeritus)
  “Capital in the Twenty-First Century: Political Economy of
 Disparity Re-expanded [Ryoji ISHIZUKA]
Tsutomu KATSUMURA (Hokusei Gakuen Univ.)
 “Cultural economics and Marxian economics [TBA]

Session 26: English Session (5) (Joint hosting by Tohoku Forum for Creativity)
Finance and Crisis
 Main Building, 2nd floor, Room26
 Chair: Nobuharu Yokokawa (Musashi University)
Kei Ehara (Saitama University)
 “Recent Development on the Crisis Theory in the Uno School
Meng-Lan Yueh (National Chengchi University, Taiwan)
 “Impact of Fed's Financial Crisis Management - Revisiting the Structural Power Theory
Junji Tokunaga (Dokkyo University)
 “The U.S. and the Euro in the Shadow Banking System in the 2000s
Peter Skott (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
 “Business cycles, price flexibility and aggregate demand
Simon Mohun (Queen Mary University of London)
 “Why did the US financial system come so close to collapse in 2008?

Session 27: English Session (6)
      “Critique of Main Stream Economics 2
 Main Building, 2nd floor, Room26
 Chair: Kiichiro Yagi (Setsunan University)
Kyle Alexander Thompson (Kyoto University, Doctoral Candidate)
  “From Lausanne to Santa Monica: Neoclassical Socialist Networks 1870-1960
Leopoldo Gómez-Ramírez (Universidad del Norte, Colombiar)
 “On Theories of a Democratically Planned Economy and the Coevolution of Pro-Democratic Planning Preferences
Natsuka Tokumaru (Kyoto University) and Hiroyuki Uni (Kyoto University)
 “Fair Shares between Workers and Investors: Economic Experiments on Functional Income Distribution

  November 22 (Sunday) from 13:10 to 17:00
Plenary Session:
Challenges to Main Stream Economics and the Future of Capitalism

 Main Building, 2nd floor, Room 21
 Chair and Organizer:
Kiichiro Yagi (Setsunan Univ.), Masaki HANDA (Tohoku Gakuin Univ.), Hiroshi ONISHI (Keio Univ.), Hiroyasu UEMURA (Yokohama National Univ.), Naoki YOSHIHARA (Hitotsubashi Univ.), Masao ISHIKURA (Hitotsubashi Univ.)
Hiroaki SASAKI (Kyoto Univ.)
 “Growth and Distribution: A Critical Comparison between
 Neoclassical and Non-Neoclassical Economics
Kazuhiro KUROSE (Tohoku Univ.)
 “Characteristics of the mainstream economics and vision of the
 political economy
Tetsuji KAWAMURA (Hosei Univ.)
 “The Stages Theory Approach to the Global Capitalism:
 A methodological and theological reappraisal of Marxian Theory of Modern Capitalism